Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Me and New Communication Technology, Week 3

I think that if I didn't use the amount of new communication technology that I do at present, then I would not have nearly as much connection with my friends and family.

I don't live very close to any of my friends, and so in order to keep in touch with them, I use means and methods other than face to face communication.

Take my mobile phone, for the first example. Without this seemingly small object, I would lose contact with my friends if they wanted to meet me somewhere, and more importantly I would not be able to call anyone if in the case of an emergency.

The reason I got a mobile in the first place was because I felt the need to keep in contact with my family when I started driving by myself, just in case I had a crash, or needed to call for help if I found someone in a serious state after an accident. For this reason I think that it is extremely important to have my mobile on me, at least when i am driving.

Another form of new communication technology I use quite regularly is the internet. Wether it is talking to my friends on MSN messenger, or posting on Myspace, this consumes a lot of my 'online-life'. Although I don’t use the internet to meet people in the sense of randomly talking to new people, I do get to notice 'regulars' on certain forums I am on. This means that I get to know people from what they post up, but I don’t actively seek these people out.

I have been using MSN messenger since I was 15 years old, and still use the same account. This is an easy way for me to chat with my mates when they are online, and organise up coming activities. It helps to keep me in touch with people, where ever they are, local to me, or on the other side of the country (in this case it saves the cost of a long distance phone call).

My Friends were the biggest influence on me using the internet based Communication, and the purchase of my mobile phone was most influenced by my parents, perhaps to make sure they could always get a hold of me.

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