Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week 8, 3D worlds and socialising on the internet

There are many ways in which 3D worlds on the Internet and more traditional forms of socialising on the Internet are similar, but also many ways in which they are different.

I use MSN messenger, and feel that it is one of the best ways to maintain my friendships with people that I already know. It helps (a lot!) if i have met the person previous to the conversation that may ensue, as we know what each other looks like, and some background knowledge.

Three dimensional worlds however, are something relatively new to me. I have played a lot of the Rockstar Grand Theft Auto Series on PlayStation 2, but I have never used any of these interactive communal-type programs before, and this week I used active worlds.

I feel that it was in some ways a good medium for people to meet, as the people who use the program would be of similar mindset to the others in that they are wanting to take part in the activity of virtual interaction. It is in these places such as active worlds that a user can communicate, but may not actually be truly representative of their real self. In their virtual life, they are able to live in their ideal setting, and can change their life drastically when they chose to do so(something that they possibly cannot do in their real life).

It is in these 3D worlds that this ideal society, almost a utopia is created. That allows for the user to determine their actions, and socialise free from any restraints (physical or otherwise) that may have elsewhere been the limiting factor in their social interaction in real, Physical life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Week 6 Photoshop Manipulations

This week I had to play around with Images, this is my first time at this , here goes:

Friends: these are my mates at my eighteenth Birthday Party, i then put them in a beautiful Sunset Setting on a beach, instead of in my garage where the party was held.


This Picture is Representing Communication (sometimes Strained) Between Males and Females. sometimes, Communication brakes down over the years, but initially it seems quite strong(in this case).


I thought it was strange coincidence that there seems to be so much news about drought, yet also an increasing amount of natural disasters such as tsunami.


i thought that for this section i would incorporate some of the larakin aspects of australian culture: Beer, and fighting in public. then used the kangaroo and the harbour bridge to display them in an australian form.


This image of members of the Maroons Steve Price and Petero Civoniceva. here i have tried to make it look like they were standing on each others shoulders.


This is the Resident Evil Game cover for PS2. I have Chosen to put a baby face onto the main character, as when you see a baby, the last thing you think of is Evil.


This is a picture of Britney Spears and K-Fed, i have changed the image to give her K-Fed's Beard.

Thats it for this Task. catch you later,-Matt